The Role of Assistant Teachers in Realizing Boarding Schools That are Free From Bullying
Bullying is a serious prophysics that can affect the physical, mental, and social development of students, especially in boarding school environments that have more intense interactions. In this context, accompanying teachers play a very important role in creating a safe and supportive environment for students. This article aims to explore the role of assistant teachers in minimizing bullying in boarding schools. Through an approach based on psychological understanding, effective communication, and consistent supervision, tutors can identify and address potential bullying early. In addition, the accompanying teacher also functions as a facilitator in building harmonious relationships between students and providing the necessary guidance to strengthen awareness of the importance of mutual respect among others. With a holistic and participatory approach, accompanying teachers can play an active role in realizing a boarding school that is free from bullying, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and development. This research is expected to provide a deeper insight into the strategies and roles that can be played by assistant teachers in maintaining the safety and welfare of students in boarding schools.
Role of Accompanying Teachers, Bullying, Boarding Schools, Bullying Prevention, Safe EnvironmentDownloads
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