Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Teunuleh
Journal Ilmiah Teunuleh: Education, Anthropology, Archeology, Communication, Cultural Studies, Demography, Development, Gender studies, General Social Sciences, Geography Planning and Development, Health (Social Science), Human Factor and Ergonomic, Law, Library and Information Sciences, Life-span and life-course studies, Linguistic and Language, Political Science and International Relation, Public Administration, Safety research, Social Science (miscellaneous), Sociology and Political Science, Transportation, Urban Studies, Agricultural Economic, Sustainable Agricultural and Environment, and it is published in online version.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teunuleh has received SINTA 5 accreditation based on the decision by the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Number: 177/E/KPT/2024) regarding the Accreditation Ranking of Scientific Journals from volume 2 issue 1, 2021 until volume 6 issue 4, 2025.
The Effect of Using a Problem Based Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Science and Technology Students at SD Negeri 74 Palembang
Abstract views: 113 times
PDF downloaded: 92 times
The Influence of Citizen Project Learning Model Toward the Students Grade VII Learning Style and Outcome of Gajah Mada Private Junior High School Medan
Abstract views: 125 times
PDF downloaded: 81 times
Development of Student Worksheets Based on the SAVI Learning Model for Grade V Elementary School Students
Abstract views: 16 times
PDF downloaded: 14 times
Critical Analysis: Logical Fallacies in Students’ Debate Regarding Gender Issues
Abstract views: 41 times
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TPACK-Based Learning Implementation Through Basic Science Books To Enhance Third-Grade Students' Learning Outcomes at SDN 16 Banda Aceh
Abstract views: 181 times
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